Friday, February 11, 2011

Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!

The other day I was on the number seven bus going from Whyte Ave to Jasper Place. As the bus was going down 99th street, away from the avenue I started to feel anxiety. Not enough that I was going to have a panic attack or anything, just a feeling of nervousness at the unfamiliar. I know this sounds drastic, in a lot of ways it is. I have spent a fair bit of time traveling, exploring new cities (sometimes completely alone) and have never really felt as strangely out of place and anxious as I did on this bus trip. I guess what I am trying to say is that one thing that has really surprised me throughout this course is myself. I have never been so aware of the space and place that I inhabit and as a result of this awareness, I’m aware of the space and place within the city that I most definitely do not inhabit. 

I was thinking about my map project today and the ideas I came up were even boring to me. I have very recently (as a result of this course) realized something. I complain constantly about how bored I am with the city: the people, the landscape, the restaurants, everything. Of course I’m bored—that’s what happens when you exhaust all of your options within few blocks.

I guess the real question is “where do I go from here?” I’m a student, I work, I have obligations and commitments. Adventuring and gallivanting around Edmonton hardly seems like a realistic option. I suppose reading week will me the real test. Hopefully I will be able to follow a map that allows me to branch out.


  1. I'm similarly "stuck" in trying to figure out where to go from here. I have an itch to explore, but am somewhat lacking the means (read: a car) and the direction to do so. A lot of interesting places have been mentioned in the blogs and comments, but I almost feel like, as a class, we should sit down together and just talk about/recommend our favourite places!

  2. I agree. When you have exhausted all avenues of interest in your neighbourhood things begin to feel pretty dull or bland.

    Without a vehicle Edmonton can be unmanageable especially if you have time sensitive commitments.

    I find that sometimes places can change depending on who or why you attend that place. By going for coffee with someone new or a bar with new friends a place can seem more exciting and be seen in a different light.
